Friday, February 26, 2010

Ten Tips for Buying Used Office Cubicles.

Used office cubicles are, for the smart facility manager, reaching the ideal confluence of wide availability, wide variety, and low price. If you're in the market for office furniture, buying used is a great option - you get to save substantially on your budget and still get as wide a choice as if you decided to buy brand-new!

Of course, buying used office cubicles comes with a few rules of the road. Read on to see what they are.

  • Be prepared to be flexible. Once you decide that used is for you, be sure that you're comfortable with the two top limitations of the market. A) be prepared to be flexible on colors; and B) be prepared to be flexible on size configurations.

  • Make sure you understand the grade of used you are buying. Buying used office cubicles is like buying a used car - 10,000 miles in is hardly broken in, but 100,000 miles means it's ready to break down!

  • Know your space dimensions before shopping. Shopping before you understanding the benefits and limitations of your space is like shopping for a plane without knowing how to fly!

  • Buy a popular cubicle model - this ensures a ready supply of spare parts. These are the models you should look out for: Steelcase, Avenir or 9000; Herman Miller, AO or Ethospace; Haworth Places; Knoll Morrison; or Reff.

  • Check if your seller has a detailed inventory of all the parts and pieces you need for the cubicle you want to buy. This includes panels, connectors, work surfaces, bins, and everything else in between. This is something you don't think about until the delivery comes in and has one or more missing parts, leading to big delays and headaches if your supplier doesn't have his act together.

  • Ensure seller's reputation and track record in buying and selling used inventories. As for references from your prospective seller. Selling used cubicles requires a certain skill, as the business has plenty of complications in store if the seller doesn't manager his business professionally.

  • Ask for product photos showing what it looked like when it was standing. If it hasn't been disassembled and stored in the warehouse yet, ask the supplier to take snapshots of the product you want, so you get a good idea of how the finished product will look like in your office.

  • If you can, buy from an inventory that is still standing. Not a lot of inventory comes to you still waiting to be knocked down. So this will limit your options, but it may minimize your risk.

  • Inspect the inventory before handing over your cash. Again, this might limit your options to only inventory that's a drive away, but this also limits the possibility of dissatisfaction with the final product.

  • Ensure that seller is selling inventory they own and control. It's not necessarily a bad thing if the seller is actually just trying to "flip" someone else's inventory, but there's a bigger potential for trouble the further removed they are from the product source.

  • Don’t make yourself crazy trying to price shop previously owned inventories. If you find a reputable dealer who you have confidence in, and if they can deliver the quantity you need in the configuration and color you can live with, AND if they can offer you a substantial discount off new (50% or better), take the deal and don’t look back. You are sure to have a winning combination!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

6 Home Office Design Ideas You can Steal

Here are a few home office design ideas you can put to good use in your own workspace: they're simple to do and suitably cheap to execute. Home offices, as a rule, come with smaller supplies budgets than your typical cubicle farm, but even with a limited budget, you can implement home office design ideas that strike the ideal balance between good-looking and budget-friendly.

home office design ideas, image by Nathan Searles

Choose a productivity-friendly color. The colors you see in your workspace can make all the difference in your productivity. Choosing a bright color like yellow or bright green can ease the monotony of repetitive tasks. Pale blue or green can add a calming effect to the home office. And plain white tells everyone you mean to do serious work in your workspace.

Or you can toss the rules and settle on a color that has great personal significance to you alone. "Different hues resonate with people in a certain way," says Suite101's Victoria Foley. "A bright red might make you think of lipstick, or hearts/love, or even stop signs…However, take that shade a little bit darker, to a deep cherry-maroon, and it could make you feel empowered."

Choose a chair with comfort in mind. When you're shopping for a chair, do prioritize its comfort over the long run - don't just get the cheapest butt-rest available. Many home office design ideas look good, but fail the comfort test. Make sure your home office doesn't go the same way. If you're not sure where to start, check out our ergonomics checklist to get a clue.

Lighting should be easy on the eyes. You're not a coal miner - you get to choose just how much lighting you need to get the job done. Make sure you pick an area of the house that gets ample lighting. You can also get a lamp for your desk that ups the light quotient, and reduces eyestrain too.

Put a motivating artwork in plain sight. A reproduction of your favorite painting? A vase your mother gave you? Something your child drew in art class? Get something motivating in your office space, and keep it somewhere that's easy to spot.

Image © Nathan Searles / Creative Commons.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Green a Go Go: Secrets to Buying Green Office Furniture.

You know the green office furniture trend has hit its stride when even Chinese manufacturers are getting in on the act. For example, the Aurora Group (headquartered in Guangzhou) has conceptualized an "eco office" concept that it's promoting in major Chinese cities.

The showcase for the "eco office" idea is Aurora's X-series chairs, which are made of cloth dyed with EU-certified environment-friendly pigment, and are 80% recyclable.

Which only goes to show that green office furniture is getting much easier to procure. Part of it is due to increased demand: more government agencies are asking for it, more corporations are figuring green office furniture to be a useful PR angle.

So manufacturers have stepped in to fill the need: more furniture on the market is crafted from recycled material, constructed from sustainably harvested resources, and use eco-friendly materials.

Consider remanufactured office furniture, which today comes in practically the same quality as brand new. When old furniture undergoes the remanufacturing process, its metal surfaces are cleaned and repainted (often with low-VOC coatings that limit toxic emissions into the atmosphere), its fabrics are replaced and recycled, and even packaged with recycled material.

Also, recycled materials are making a strong showing in new furniture as well. Recycled fabrics, recycled steel, even recycled soda bottles - these are all weapons in the furniture manufacturer's struggle to lower costs and gain a higher green profile.

Finally, there's sourcing renewable materials, which companies like Herman Miller and the Knoll Group do their best to lead in. The former announced that they were using cherry and walnut wood for their high-end furniture, instead of harder-to-replace woods like mahogany and rosewood. The latter is checking up on its suppliers' sustainable practices and sourcing reclaimed lumber for its product line.

With more customers prioritizing eco-friendliness over lower cost, the furniture industry is responding to a demand for green office furniture that doesn't show any signs of slowing down. (We're surely no slouches in this department - our remanufactured office equipment category is one of's top sellers.)

Monday, February 15, 2010

5 Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel You Shouldn't Ignore.

5 Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel You Shouldn't Ignore
Image © Petr Kurecka.

Office work is hard on the eyes, brain… and especially the hands, as symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome emerge after years of abuse. Carpal tunnel syndrome should never be ignored, nor should treatment be postponed. As soon as these symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome emerge, you should see your doctor immediately.

Numbness in fingers and hand. You find that your hand "falls asleep" often when working. Or you have less sensation in the fingers and thumb. If this is how you feel after a few hours of work, congratulations - you now have the very first symptoms of carpal tunnel right in your hands.

Carpal tunnel syndrome begins very slowly - sufferers report feeling tingling or numbness in the fingers and palm. This usually happens when the sufferer grips something between thumb and forefinger - holding a cellphone, for example, or steering a car.

Decreased Grip Strength. Whoops! becomes a constant refrain in your life, as you begin to drop pens, coffee mugs, and utensils. As pain makes work impossible, your hand muscles may atrophy, decreasing your ability to hang on to small objects.

You'll find it difficult to grasp small objects, clench your fists, or perform manual tasks around the office. You'll have difficulty supporting yourself on stairs or climbing into a truck.

Pain Radiating up the Forearm. Carpal tunnel sufferers report feeling a shooting or burning pain moving up from the center of their forearm to their shoulder and neck. This occurs after repetitive or stressful use of one's hands. Sometimes the pain is constant - an ache felt around the upper shoulder and neck.

Cold Hands with warm forearms. As the nerve in your carpal tunnel gets pinched, blood circulation around the area gets constricted as well, contributing to the odd sensation of having two different temperature gradients on the forearm and hand.

Loss of fine motor skills. This progresses from the swollen and numb feeling in your fingers and hand, as motor skills begin to give way to the numbness. Everyday fine motor skills like writing, moving a mouse around, buttoning a shirt, or tying a shoe become almost impossible to do.

If any of these symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome appear, you must consult your doctor immediately. Carpal tunnel syndrome, if left untreated, interferes with work, interrupts sleep, and leads to more severe nerve and muscle damage.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Ultimate Herman Miller Office Chair… and the Contender.

In the beginning, there was the Aeron, the ultimate Herman Miller office chair - and then there was everyone else.

Times have changed since the Aeron was introduced fifteen years ago. (Among other things, the office hockey league has since been disbanded.) In its heyday, the Aeron was the ultimate status symbol. If your behind rested on an Aeron, you commanded the best Herman Miller office chair in existence.

Fast forward to today. The recession overtook us. Enron and Lehman Brothers fell. And formerly deep-pocketed facility managers are now looking for more cost-effective alternatives to the former King of Office Seats.

These days, the number one contender for the throne is the Eurotech Ergohuman Chair. Its popularity among office workers is surging ever higher, threatening to unseat the high-flying Herman Miller office chair leader.

How has the Ergohuman accomplished this? Firstly, it's been able to match - or come close - to the high-end upholstery and adjustability features designed into the Aeron.

Once upon a time, facility managers figured the high cost was a proper price to pay for getting the Aeron into their offices. (And the cost is still high - you can expect to pay up to $1,400 for a top notch posture-fit Aeron.) Today, the Ergohuman delivers what people look for in an Aeron - for up to $700.

The Ergohuman's ergonomics delivers: you get the same flexibility and adjustability you've come to expect from an Aeron, and you get the same tolerance for intensive use: the chair is designed to accommodate users who expect to use it for five hours a day or more, and deserve consistent comfort from beginning to end.

In the end, while the Ergohuman may fall a little short of the Aeron, the substantially lower price makes it a winner against the best Herman Miller office chair contenders. (Don't take my word for it, check out the seating page to compare how the Ergohuman does against the competition. You won't be sorry.)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

10 Steps toward an Environmentally Friendly Office.

Creating an environmentally friendly office takes baby steps. You don't just change the lightbulbs, set up segregated trash bins, and expect the Green Office Council to give you a medal. No, it's a long, hard slog, and may add an element of inconvenience in your office life.

Why do it? It's worth it. Think of the positive impact you'll make with an environmentally friendly office - and think of the improved morale in a workforce that knows they're committed to something bigger than themselves.

1. Power down. Turn off equipment that isn't being used. Don't just turn them off - unplug them. Little did you know that equipment on "standby" mode still sucks up juice, to the tune of hundreds of dollars' worth of energy a year! Unplug these appliances when not in use, or get a smart power strip that monitors electricity use, cutting off the power from outlets that have been idle for a while.

2. Turn down the thermostat. Reprogram your thermostat to be a few degrees warmer in the summer, and a few degrees cooler in the winter. Shaving off the degrees in this way can save you up to eight percent in energy costs per year.

3. Change the light source. Part the curtains, or open the blinds in daytime! The environmentally friendly office isn't afraid to use natural light - it's healthier than that sickly green artificial light that's commonly used in offices.

4. Replace your gear. Newer PCs, for example, may be up to 70% more energy-efficient than PCs from four to five years back. Monitors might also help you cut down on your energy bill - if you switch LCD models for your CRT monitors, you can use a third less power. The lower energy usage will allow you to recover the costs of replacing your equipment within two to three years.

5. Email, but try not to print. Email messages don't need to be printed out to be fully understood. Make sure getting a printout is absolutely necessary before you click "print"!

6. If you have to print, go with recycled and earth-friendly. Use recycled paper with at least 30% post-consumer waste, and print double-sided as much as possible. Go with soy-based ink, as it has lower levels of volatile organic compounds, and is easier to eliminate in the recycling process.

7. Check the bathrooms. Keep taps tightly shut - one dripping tap can waste up to 10,000 liters of water a year. A more committed environmentally friendly office would use a displacement dam - they place a small plastic container filled with stones in the toilet reservoir to displace some water in the flushing process - the water saved in this method adds up over the year.

8. Use real plants. Not only do they add a nice soothing touch to your office, but they also add oxygen to the surroundings, making the environmentally friendly office even more friendly to one's health.

9. Ditch the paper or foam cups. Encourage the workforce to bring their own mugs to work. This reduces office waste and saves money.

10. Buy remanufactured office furniture. When you're replacing your desks and chairs, look at remanufactured furniture as an option for your office. Buying remanufactured saves you money and lessens your impact on the environment, as you're buying equipment that's already made its footprint felt before.

This is more than just about being cheap - it's about making a company-wide statement to your workers and your clients that you are willing to cut out unnecessary purchases for the sake of creating an environmentally friendly office. (Read's green office furniture page for more information about remanufactured office furniture.)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Relationships at Work: Managing the Minefield.

Admit it, it's crossed your mind: the idea of having romantic relationships at work appeals to you, besides, you think Denise at Accounting has been giving encouraging signs, being a little too liberal with the office Post-its (see video above).

Join the club:'s 2009 survey finds that four out of ten workers cop to dating a colleague at work, with three out of ten saying they ended up married to the person.'s Rosemary Haefner isn't surprised by the results. "Employees spend many hours interacting with co-workers, so it’s not unusual for romances to spark," says Haefner, who works as the site's Vice President of Human Resources. "While workplace relationships may be more accepted these days, with 72 percent of workers saying they didn’t have to keep their romance a secret, it’s still important for workers to keep it professional and not let their relationship impact their work."

"Keep it professional" - that's easier said than done. Regardless of 72 percent acceptability levels, maintaining successful romantic relationships at work is a minefield, not just for the couple but for the whole office.

Part of it is the power equation that simply cannot be erased from the office context: relationships at work are as much about authority as they are about cooperation.

Employment lawyer Edward Hernstadt illustrates the problem: if things go south, an employee can always tell the law that she felt compelled to date the boss. "The supervisor will say, 'I just asked you to go on a date,' but the subordinate says, 'I felt I couldn't say no,'" recounts Hernstadt.

An office policy that sets the rules of legitimate relationships at work? This might sound positively authoritarian, but today's litigious environment might force HR's hand. Many offices now ask office couples to sign a "love contract" that spells out that their relationship is consensual and untied to company matters - this frees human resources from worrying about potential litigation in the future in case the relationship sours.

It's a little less romantic, but it's a very practical step to take for burgeoning relationships at work. And it saves the office a lot of Post-its in the process.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Top Tips to Prevent Carpal Tunnel.

Image © Andrew / Creative Commons.

Turns out that to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome, you'll probably need to change some deeply-ingrained habits.

Work posture, for one thing. Getting carpal tunnel syndrome may force you to change the way you type, for example, or wear a splint on your wrist while you work, on doctor's orders.

There's good reason for this advice: the doctor wants to keep your hand from assuming the posture it normally does. Which eases the pressure on the median nerve, the source of all your carpal tunnel troubles. The same posture day after day, on the other hand, can stress the tendons in your carpal tunnel to the point of affecting the median nerve - leading to carpal tunnel syndrome.

When someone has carpal tunnel syndrome, the median nerve is pressured by ligaments and tendons in the carpal tunnel in your wrist, which sometimes get swollen from abuse to the hands. Pressure on the median nerve can make your hand hurt, or numb the sensation in the affected hand.

So, to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome, you need to prevent your affected hand from assuming a posture that increases the pressure.

That means wearing the aforementioned splints to prevent carpal tunnel. But you don't have to go that far. It may be a simple as avoiding a downward bent position for your wrists. Or not resting your wrists on hard surfaces - soft wrist rests for both keyboards and mice are now de rigueur for keyboard jockeys in the office.

Regular typists may also benefit from a seating posture that keeps forearms level with the keyboard; this minimizes the flexing your wrists need to do while typing.

Resting the wrist may also be necessary: this means regular breaks for your wrists, or switching the dominant hand used for a certain task.

These simple fixes can prevent carpal tunnel syndrome from ever taking hold of your wrists. Nobody said carpal tunnel syndrome was hard to overcome!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Selecting a Mesh Office Chair - Pros and Cons.

The mesh office chair is becoming more and more necessary in the modern breakneck-paced office. But just as even the most advanced office computer can become a liability if badly-selected, the process of choosing a mesh office chair becomes ever more important: you can't just leap into it blind.

Here are a few dos and don'ts to help your selection process along.

DO test drive that mesh office chair. No mesh office chair is perfect; the flaws aren't usually evident in the first ten or twenty minutes of testing, much less just looking, at the chair in question. So don't just "eyeball" it, or rest your hindquarters and call it a day.

Put that mesh office chair through its paces: Ask yourself first how long you'll be sitting in the chair. The length of time you'll spend in that seat will determine whether you need additional padding. Mesh seats are cool and comfortable, but extended use can stress the tailbone, causing pain and numbness over time.

DON'T settle on the first one you like. Have several different models to choose from, when selecting a mesh office chair. You'll get a good idea of the varying quality of mesh office chairs in the market, and in the process, you'll also discover what qualities you prefer in a mesh office chair.

You'll probably choose a mesh chair that provides a balance between comfort and support. Some workers will prefer mesh seats that make your hindquarters feel like they're floating on clouds; others will prefer stiffer padded fabric or leather seats with a mesh back.

DO think long-term. Mesh chairs don't wear as well as leather or fabric chairs; mesh chair manufacturers have to choose between soft mesh that sags quicker, or stiff mesh with lower comfort. Herman Miller has managed to hit the right balance with its Aeron chair, as it uses a Pellicle mesh that combines softness with durability. (It helped that the Aeron's ergonomic design won it raves in the workforce.)

DON'T neglect adjustability. Any ergonomics enthusiast will tell you that mesh seating alone won't make your chair comfortable - adjustability counts. As we've noted before, you'll need to adjust different elements of the mesh office chair to ensure they fit you and you alone - armrests, seat height, seat depth, backrest, and lumbar support.