Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Space Crisis for Office Cubicles.

As employers attempt to lower costs and maintain productivity with a shrinking workforce inhabiting their office cubicles, some offices are taking the game one level up by shaving the cubicle space each employee gets.

The Wall Street Journal reports that office cubicles have now become prime real estate in the recession. Companies are taking different tacks. Some are creating open floor plans and removing cubicles from their office spaces. Employees are now given rotating or random workspaces, instead of being assigned an office cubicle of their own. Other employees are given more opportunity to telecommute.

Manufacturers are following suit - new workstations designed by design group HOK now have an average area of 48 square feet, down 30% from five years back. Other companies "are reducing per-employee office space by as much as 50%, and their total footprint by as much as 25%," the article reports.

One former office cubicle rat - now a telecommuting writer working from her own home - remembers the old days with mixed feelings. Says True/Slant's Caitlin Kelly:

That’s one good thing about working alone at home. Right now, the only sound I hear — loud and clear — is my neighbor’s laughter and phone conversation. I’m not sure, short of a cabin in the woods, you can escape noise or other people and get your work done.

I can't agree with you more, Miz Kelly. Although I'd add that some of these companies are plainly misled - why cut down on cubicle space and call that savings, when they can just buy remanufactured cubicles at a much lower price and keep their office cubicle inhabitants happy with a little more real estate? Just a suggestion.

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